Enhanced Barrier and Road Marking Visibility!
Unlike paint or reflective markers, LEDline® safety guidance lighting shows up in any weather and from much further distances away. This minimizes driver hesitation and confusion providing drivers with much more time to react, which improves safety. therefore, LEDline® safety guidance lighting helps improve road safety and, hopefully with fewer accidents, improves road capacity and efficiency!
Early LEDline® Safety Guidance Lighting On A Barrier.
Please Note: Today's LEDline® could be installed with alternating faces on top of the barrier, allowing for better visibility and greater spacing between the lit units. Increasing the spacing between the units reduces the required number of units, so saves costs.
In addition, having LEDline® safety guidance lighting on the top of a barrier would achieve
a smoother-lit guidance safety curving line for side drivers to follow.
Below, The LEDline® Safety Guidance Lamps were Positioned On the Chevron Poles.
Notice how, unlike the chevron reflectors, being internally lit, the LEDline® safety guidance lamps
stand out, with or without headlights on them. This allows drivers to see them from much further away, giving drivers more time to react. In addition, even when covered with snow or grime, the LEDline® units, which melt snow,
should shine through any dirt and grime, so should always be visible at night!
This Texas country road, high accident tight curve, has two LEDline® safety guidance units
on the chevron poles. These are specifically placed to draw the attention of and notify drivers of the upcoming tight curve from a distance. In addition, to further draw the attention of drivers from a distance, the LEDline® safety guidance units were flashing.
Reflective Chevrons without a light on them, do not show up, whilst the internally lit LEDline® safety guidance units, always will.
Early LEDline® Safety Guidance Units On A Bridge.
Today's units could be installed as linear lamps on the side of, or the top of the bridge railing, providing a smoother, lit, linear safety guidance line for drivers to follow around the sharp 90-degree bend.
In 2006, The Better Roads Magazine, Awarded LEDline® the “Top Rollout” Award.
LEDline® safety guidance lighting for in-pavement signage
Early LEDline® Safety Guidance Lighting Used For In-pavement Signage and Right Turn Arrow.
Channel 9 Video of HIl-Tech's in-pavement 30 MPH sign and right turn arrow
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Snow visibility tests were done on the old style LEDline® guidance units before it was used at Anchorage International. Using the old-style, (with only 6 x embedded LEDs, today's units have 12 x LEDs), the tests on the LEDline® safety guidance units were carried out to see if the units were visible in deep snow.
As the pictures below illustrate, the lit LEDline® guidance units were not only clearly visible, but that
the units melted the snow, proving that they were self-cleaning.
2006 Minnesota DOT Road Test:
Early Type LEDline® Safety Guidance Units (with only 6 x LEDs), In Deep Snow.
(Note: To demonstrate the snow's depth, the right picture has a flashlight half stuck into the snow).
A Small Saw Cut Machine is All That is Needed To Retrofit LEDline® Into Any Pavement.
In-pavement LEDline® Safety Guidance Right Turn Arrow
Unless otherwise stated, all Pictures, Videos, Files, and Texts are the Copyright of HIL-Tech Ltd.LEDline® is a Registered Trademark of HIL-Tech Ltd.