TO IMPROVE airfield and ROAD guidance, SAFETY, AND EFFICIENCY, key pavement markings MUST Always BE VISIBLE IN all and Any WEATHER. painted markings are NOT! LEDLINE® melts Snow, so lit LEDline® safety/guidance lighting is always Visible In Any Weather!
Lit LEDline® Guidance Safety Systems, Helps Increase The Safety And Efficiency of Roads and Barriers,
Especially In Bad Weather!
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From The Video, The following Pictures Illustrate Just How Snow Plowable And Useful LEDline® Safety/Guidance is,
By Always Providing Key Driver Guidance In Any Weather:
Below, there are no visible pavement markings, however, the LEDline® safety/guidance is stll highly visible!
Indeed, the visibility is so bad here, that one can hardly see the vehicle ahead!
Below is the visibility when "daylight arrived". The painted road markings were impossible to see!
(Note: The LEDline® safety/guidance lighting was not installed in these sections of the road illustrating the road's visibility. If it had been, they would have been visible as LEDline® is even visible in bright sunlight, never mind in these gloomy snow whiteout conditions).
Rain, Dust, sleet, and Snow, Make painted Lane markings, reflectors and even signage, Almost Impossible to See. For critical lane markings on difficult road sections, and Visibility in all weathers, LEDline® safety guidance lighting should be considered.
The picture below is from the video above and is a reminder that even with a vehicle's headlights full on,
sometimes there are NO visible road lane lines or other visible markings to guide one.
Here, all that one can see is the LEDline® safety guidance lighting, and occasionally,
the vehicle ahead's red tail lights.
Visibility You Can Count On: Solid, Linear, LED LEDline® safety/guidance lighting, are the only LED safety guidance Lighting Systems that melt snow without needing any additional heating elements!
From The Anchorage International Alaska Test:
Early Style Linear LEDline®, (with only 6 x LEDs) Melting Snow.
(Note: Today's LEDline®, has 12 x LEDs and precision optics embedded within the solid clear matrix so is better than ever at being visible and melting snow).
LEDline® Usage:
Visible in all weathers, (it melts snow), LEDline® safety guidance lighting, helpS TO reducE accidents and is used for;
• highlighting in-road and barrier markings in any weather;
• nighttime highlighting and floodlighting of the users of pedestrian crossings; • For wrong-way access onto freeway ramps; Moving lit in-pavement guidance arrows can be used to show the direction of the traffic, highlighting the wrong way Access onto the freeway;
• at complicated SPUIs or intersections, signal- controlled in-pavement traffic guidance ; • lit in-pavement road signage; traffic merge arrows or Gore area outlines;
• for contraflow situations; lit MUTCD LEDline® safety guidance RPMs, highlighting no passing lanes when opposing traffic is using them;
• lit in-pavement traffic directional guidance at Roundabouts or other in-pavement road guidance applications; • highlighting road markings to reduce Accidents, at repeat high accident sites.
• reducing traffic congestion in contraflow Situations in rush hours. • this highly visible safety guidance system is used for marking and highlighting the crossover lanes when oncoming traffic needs to use the other side of the bridge's spare capacity during contraflow situations.
When rush hour traffic congestion is much more congested in one direction compared to the other and there is unused road capacity on the other side of a bridge or tunnel LEDline® guides traffic across to the unused capacity side. (Using this spare capacity in the more heavily traveled direction is called contraflow and requires traffic to be traveling in the opposite directions on the spare capacity side of the bridge or tunnel).
The cost of installing LEDline®'s safety guidance lighting system is small compared to the safety and operational gains for the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA). Presently, when designating lanes for oncoming traffic for contraflow situations, the MDTA must physically hand-placed cones on a freeway. This is dangerous. Therefore, eliminating the need to send people out to physically place and then collect cones on the freeway, is a huge improvement for safety.
Using LEDline in-pavement safety guidance lighting means that there are huge savings in safety, time, and operational efficiencies when the oncoming traffic lanes can be designated with a flick of the switch. Therefore, LEDline® safety guidance lighting is far faster and much safer for employees, which translates into more safety, fewer costs, and more efficient Chesapeake Bay Bridge operations!
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Area
The pictures below are from television, (so their quality is not the best), however, they illustrate the magnitude and potential costs of having to build more bridges, and/or more approach freeways to widen the Chesapeake Bay Bridges to achieve more road capacity. Therefore, using the LEDline® to guide motorists and use part of the other side, costs so much less!
LEDline® is Installed as Lit Contraflow Safety Guidance for The Maryland Transportation Authority “Automated Lane Closure System”. By Eliminating The Need for Employees to Hand Deliver, Place, and Then Later Collect Reflective Bollards and Cones to Create The Crossover Lanes to Reduce Traffic Congestion, LEDline® Improves Employee Safety, Saves Time and So Improves the Chesapeake Bridges Traffic Capacity.
Video of LEDline®'s use For Chesapeake Bay Bridges contraflow Crossover Lane Guidance
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Proof of LEDline®'s visibility in all weathers: Note: LEDLINE® melts snow and ice without any additional heating elements, so they are the most energy-efficient of LED lamps!! all other LED VISUAL AID Lamps require additional heating elements to melt snow.
AT ANCHORAGE INTERNATIONAL: The Picture below, by Mr. Chas Triborn, is A Direct Comparison of LEDline®'s Visibility In Deep Snow Compared To the standard FAA / ICAO green taxiway Airfield Visual Aids.
Left: Is the old-style FAA incandescent bulbed, (more heat than light), standard green
taxiway in-pavement lamps;
Right: Is the old-style 6 x LED LEDline®, (today's LEDline® has 12 x LEDs), in-pavement, yellow
linear LEDline® lamps;
• both are highly visible in the deep snow.
• and, since both lamps melt snow, both are self-cleaning and remain visible in bad
weather situations.
Picture by Chas Triborn
Unless otherwise stated, all Pictures, Videos, Files, and Texts are the Copyright of HIL-Tech Ltd.LEDline® is a Registered Trademark of HIL-Tech Ltd.